Saturday, August 26, 2006

school bells ring.

And so ends our first week of school. Sure, we homeschool year-round, but fall begins a new year in a new grade, as well as the beginning of co-ops. My son is in a new co-op this year that we're trying out called The Hedge. He likes it so far, and so do I. This is also our fifth year at Master's Academy. Luckily, we don't start there until after Labor Day. I have become the kind of person who needs to ease into things one thing at a time, instead of jumping into everything at once. Therefore, having a two week hedge in between one activity and the other is a good thing.

I teach high school Spanish at The Hedge. Pretty easy stuff for me...I really need to get going on writing my own curriculum! It's been "in the works" for over a year now. I will put that on my list of goals for this coming year: "Finish Spanish Curriculum!" We're using Rosetta Stone at school though. From what I've seen so far, it's a great program, allbeit expensive. I always heard good things about it but never bought it because of the price and well, I really never needed it.

I'll also be teaching Spanish to adults out of my home in a few weeks. I plan to have at least one beginning Spanish class, if not two. It will run for about twelve weeks I think. Most of the material I will use will be stuff to help people preach the Gospel in Spanish-speaking areas and neighborhoods. It's a desperate need. I go out on the streets on a fairly regular basis as a translator, and it is an awesome experience. I want to be in on miracles, and what better way to do it than this? But it would be great if a translator weren't needed because everyone spoke a comfortable amount of Spanish.

I'm not sure how often I'll be able to go on outreaches now that school has started, but I do hope to hit some of the fall high school football games! We heard some awesome testimonies at church last year about the goings-on every weekend, but I never went because I was pregnant and perpetually sick and tired. Looking forward to it this year!

Let's hope this school year doesn't kick my butt.

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