Thursday, September 28, 2006

spic and span.

We never actually used Spic and Span in my house growing up. We used Comet. Comet was pretty good for cleaning, but you had to make sure you used enough water, otherwise you just got a chalky green mess all over the bathtub or sink.

Years later, we began to use Soft Scrub. I don't know why we switched. Soft Scrub wasn't quite as good. It left a chalky mess regardless of how much water we used. I hated it. There's nothing like the feeling of taking a bath in sandpaper-y water. But hey, at least the tub's clean! And I was probably a little extra clean too!

We also used SOS pads to scrub the cast iron skillet.

I use Brillo pads now. And for cleaning the bathtub and sinks, I use the Method Home cleaners. I love those. They smell so good. They have good hand soaps too.

I don't know why I brought all of this up. I was thinking about cleaners for some reason earlier and realized that I don't remember the last time I saw Comet or Spic and Span (which I never used) at the store.

They're probably still sold; I've just never looked for them. Never needed to.

1 comment:

angela said...

just stopping by.
My grandmother always used comet. I really like the smell of it -- strange I know. It's wierd how I'll see something in the store, like Pine Sol and automatically I'm transported back to my childhood and walking into my grandmother's house that she had been cleaning all day and all you could smell was pine sol.