Thursday, December 02, 2010


December 2 Writing.
What do you do each day that doesn’t contribute to your writing — and can you eliminate it?
(Author: Leo Babauta)

I think I spend too much time on my computer, doing useless things. I've always loved surfing the internet, and since 1996 I've logged in a lot of hours doing things that don't really amount to much. Entertainment, shopping, games--there sure are a lot of ways to waste time. That is something I could definitely change.

A few months ago, I started doing just that. I would give myself a half-hour per task on my computer. A half-hour to check email, a half-hour to be on Facebook and Twitter, and a half-hour to read blogs. The things that I deemed important, working on photography and my own blog, were the only things to which I would devote more time.

It has worked out, although lately I have found that YouTube has been jockeying for a position on my list of "obsessions." I'm currently trying to effectively curb the amount of time I spend there too.


Faith said...

i def. need to set a time limit myself!

ever since i started blogging i am mostly just blogging now ... i don't even bother getting on FB much anymore ... i enjoy reading blogs and writing on my blog ... i just don't know what would actually be a reasonable time limit that i won't go over, haha.

Texasholly said...

Such a good idea. I have been trying to concentrate on the writing lately and I find that I love that time which is slowly becoming one of my obsessions...although twitter, fb and blog reading can eat up time like nothing else!!!

Jersey Diva Mom said...

That's a really great suggestion! I may have to institute a plan like that. I can get sucke into a zone on the PC and time evaporates (along, of course, with productivity).