Sunday, December 27, 2009

dec. 27: social web moment.

I have not met any of the bloggers that I follow in person (with the exception of the bloggers I knew before they started blogging), but I would like to. If I could go to that Alt Summit, that would be completely awesome, because many of the bloggers that I follow will be there. Alas, 'tis not to be.

Will I meet any online friends this coming year? I hope so!

I did discover Twitter this year, and it has been incredible for me. I have found out about so many great artists and photographers through Twitter. And it's great to be able to share one's work and see what others are doing and saying and creating.


Dijea said...

I'm thinking about taking the kids from Texas across the south to Savannah - aren't you along the way? Maybe we can work something out.

I would love to manage that.

Unknown said...

That would be awesome! I'm in Atlanta.